Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Narrative I And Run - 1871 Words

I and run. All I can hear is the snap of tree branches, dogs barking who I can’t tell if they’re chasing me or just off in the distances, and the rocks rolling down the cliff next to me hoping that I’m not next to roll down. As I keep running I feel my body slow down I became grow weaker every second. As I slow down I think to myself, I have to keep running I need to get out of there I can’t stand it anymore. Just escape and get out of the awful place. Many things happened to lead up to this point. I don’t like to look back on these awful times anymore. I’m finally getting over it and getting those thoughts out of my head, but I think it will be good to get them out and make my voice heard. It all starts with a warm, but a brisk†¦show more content†¦We sit in the apartment a while, well the kidnapper talks on the phone. I stand up and start heading to the bathroom. At this point, he gets up as he can obviously tell I have something in my pocket and he took it and kept it, and continued to talk on the phone very loudly and with no respect for us. He stops me and asks, â€Å"Where do you think you re going?† I explain, â€Å"I have to use the bathroom.† He hesitates for a second and says, â€Å"Alright make it quick.† I hurry off as I get into the bathroom there s a window. At this moment I decide to climb out and get out so I can know where I am to get the police to help all the other girls . I get out and hear the kidnapper yelling for me and that s when I began to run. I run faster and faster every second. This is when I realize I will soon become weak and not be able to keep running. I hear off in the distance loud crunching of the leaves and twigs breaking. I run hard and fast trying not to trip over the twigs in my path. I dodge most of them, but I hit the front of my foot off the front of a huge root and I twist my ankle. As I scramble to my feet it s too late, he has me again†¦ He starts yelling at me, but it’s in Spanish I have no idea what he is saying. I got one sentence he was saying and it was. â€Å"No te atrevas a hacer eso otra vez y si lo haces no quieres saber lo que sucederà ¡.† When I translated this I found out it means don t you dare do that again and if you do you don t want to knowShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : I Run And Run1197 Words   |  5 Pages Kidnapped I run and run. All I can here is the snap of tree branches, dogs barking who I can’t tell if they’re chasing me or just off in the distances, and the rocks rolling down the cliff next to me hoping that I’m not next to role down. As I keep running I feel my body slow down I became grow weaker every second. As I slow down I think to myself I have to keep running I need to get out of there I can’t stand it anymore. Just escape and get out of the awful place. 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