Sunday, May 17, 2020

Free Tuition And The United States Essay - 1486 Words

Free tuition for colleges is a topic that has come up a lot lately in the United States. Especially in the beginning of this year, when the democratic race was in place, Bernie Sanders started making tuition-free colleges one of his campaign points. While there are some that seem to neglect the idea of free tuition, the majority will agree that if not free at least it should be affordable. This topic is a very interesting one because it provides fascinating facts on both sides of the spectrum. One thing people argue against free tuition is that the United States has around 300 million people in population and it could not possibly keep up with the increase in college attendance and cost. On the other hand free tuition in colleges is relative common in almost every first world country around the world and even second and third world countries. Which leaves us to determine that it is not only possible for government to be responsible for education but it seems to be the norm around the world except in the United States. I think that colleges should be tuition free. Community colleges should be funded by the government and the government should not only be responsible in providing free tuition to its citizens but take pride that its citizens have access to free education, making its society an educated one. While researching this topic I came upon a very interesting article; Why tuition free College Makes Sense. The author, Lawrence S. Wittner, explains briefly theShow MoreRelatedThe United States Should Justify A Tuition Free Nation1551 Words   |  7 PagesIn the United States, known as the land of opportunity, becoming a success, gaining wealth, and having an elevated standard of life can come through many pathways. There is not a single road towards personal success. 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But does it mean free public college tuition will help solve the problem? II. Free public college has been a controversial topic as Bernie Sanders advocates this issue on his campaign. A. People have been talking about how free public college tuition can bring a bright future to the United States. B. However,Read MoreGeorge Orwell s 1984 And Modern Day Society1504 Words   |  7 Pages College Tuition Imagine college graduation day, walking down the aisle to receive a diploma that one has worked towards for their entire life. However, the moment is bittersweet because one’s education has put him/her into thousands of dollars in debt by the high tuition prices of colleges and loans to the government. 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Furthermore, with the increase in concern of the topic many people have wondered why doesn’t the United States or most importantly, all counties provide free college tuition and that is because in order to provide free college there has to be a change in the economic structure. In additionally with the addition of f ree college there will be more studentsRead MoreShould The Federal Government Should Allow Free College Tuition And The Effects And Consequences Of Doing900 Words   |  4 Pagesmost people in the states pursue higher education, a key component to possess financial security. The task at hand has become a challenging achievement, now more than ever, as a result of skyrocketing tuition cost. It causes students to take out massive loans which, at times, cannot be returned and therefore creating billions in debt for the United States. The idea that student loans are putting this country in massive debt motivates our government to consider granting free tuition for public college

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